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  • kerst

    Timeless Christmas decorations in your home – Happy Days to you!

    Spoon-fed - Christmas - A celebration (that I, at least, celebrate) for years; it has been spoon-fed. After St. Nicholas left again for sunny Spain (December 6), my parents and I went to get a real Christmas tree at a garden center or a Christmas tree store. Once we arrived home (resulting in lots of [...] More
  • vase

    All Hallow’s Even, the night before All Saints’ Day: decorate your home for Halloween!

    Within this month, on 31 October, it will be: Halloween, a name first used in the 16th century, in Scotland. Halloween is a corruption of All Hallows‘ Even, the night before All Saints’ Day. But where do the roots of Halloween lie? For this answer, we have to dig into the past and we end [...] More
  • tefaf

    2023: a fabulous and eventful year

    Last year was an inspirational year and certainly not boring. Many wonderful opportunities and new people have come my way that I cherish immensely. Not only have I experienced growth on a personal level, but also for Raechell, the webshop, my passion. Winterswijk - Let me take you to a few moments of 2023, starting [...] More
  • westgermanyrumtopf

    West Germany: timeless treasures from Germany

    A West Germany object, for example a pitcher or a vase, is (almost) always made in Germany. Its name refers to pottery or ceramics produced in the former West Germany before the reunification of Germany in 1990. From about 1950 until 1990, West German pottery factories were known for their production of different types of [...] More
  • WestGermany


    Spring has begun: we are happy! Were you also looking forward to spring? With the right accessories, color and light you can create even more spring in your home! Will you get the flowers? We have the items! Spring item #1: Mr Tikki Vintage vase 'Mr Tikki' - Stuggart, Germany €59,95 Spring is not without [...] More
  • DelftsBlauw

    “It is the most wonderful time of the year!” – Raechell is your inspiration for the holidays

    Slowly the winter decorations are coming into our houses: the Christmas tree is bought, lights are hanging, candles are lit richly and we hear "All I want for Christmas is you" by Mariah Carey in the background: it's time for the holidays! OUT OF THE BOX The month of December is all about the festive [...] More
  • DelftsBlauweVaas

    Inspiration for your kitchen; pimp it up with the most beautiful items!

    The kitchen is one of the most important rooms in your home. Here you cook all meals, eat together, receive guests and drink the first coffee of the day (or perhaps the last cocktail of the evening). Whether you live in a small apartment with a cozy kitchen, or have a luxurious layout with a [...] More
  • Christmas

    Looking back on the year…

    I can hardly believe it: the year is almost at his end. And what a year it was! I gave 100% of what I had in me for Raechell, learned a lot and encountered myself more than once. Sometimes I was so euphoric that I almost jumped a hole in the ceiling. Sometimes I wanted [...] More
  • GoudsPlateeel

    Under the spell of  ‘Sinterklaas’

    It's almost that time again. The Good Saint will soon be visiting everyone (hopefully), and going wild with candies and gifts. For those who have been good at least… And the good news is: Sinterklaas is definitely not just for the little ones. It's the perfect excuse to go all out, not only for others, [...] More
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